Over the past three months I have been answering questions around Executive Coaching in my blogs. Just as a quick overview this is what I’ve addressed in this series so far…

In January I looked at who executive coaching is for, which was basically anyone leading a team. They could be looking to optimise their own performance, or that of their team, or the business could be going through a period of change.

In February I looked at why executives need coaching and the answers included;

  • To help improve critical thinking skills
  • To provide a framework for focused learning
  • To help develop leadership skills
  • To help manage stress and prioritise wellbeing

So, now we are on to the biggest and most important question of all…does executive coaching work?

Obviously as a provider of Executive Coaching I am going to say YES! It does all the things I’ve talked about over the past couple of months, but if I am being completely honest with you (and I always try to be completely honest) then I will say that there are some ways in which you can optimise the results you get from Executive Coaching.

Choosing your Executive Coach

In theory any Executive Coach can coach you, but you will get the best results from the RIGHT executive coach. The relationship between Executive and Coach can be quite intense. You must feel comfortable enough to be honest with your coach. You must feel happy with their style of coaching. You must like them; you’ll be spending quite a bit of time with them. Research different Executive Coaches. Have a chat with them face to face or over Zoom or Teams to figure out who is the best fit for you. Remember to choose someone who will challenge you, not just someone you like.

Being Honest

You will get the best results from Executive Coaching if you are honest with yourself and your coach. You will need to think about your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know something or if something isn’t clear. Ask as many questions as you can and don’t be afraid to ask for further support if you need it.

Working Hard

The best results can only be achieved if you put the time and effort in. Executive Coaching is not just an hour once a week or a fortnight. A good coach will set you activities to work on in between the meetings. There could be reading, podcasts or audio books. There will definitely be tasks, templates, worksheets etc. You should take the time to complete these, again asking for support if you need it.

Involve your team

No man (or woman) is an island. The best results from Executive Coaching come from getting your team involved, after all Executives are Leaders. You will need to share lessons learnt, strategies developed and sometimes even get the team involved in the activities themselves. The more closely the team are involved the better the results will be.

Positive attitude

Being a leader is hard work and so is executive coaching. Maintaining a positive attitude, even when things are difficult to absolutely key to success – and not just in Coaching…in all of your endeavours. A good Executive Coach will be there for you when times are tough, someone to share difficulties with and bounce ideas off, but they can only help you if you are willing to be helped.


I hope this series of blogs has helped you understand Executive Coaching better. If you think it is something that could help you or your business and you’d like to see if I am the Executive Coach for you…Book a Chat and let’s find out!